来认识一下我们的学生大使,菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的探矿者. With diverse interests from metallurgy to nursing, 这些不可思议的学生领袖提供校园参观, serve on student discussion panels, help out at campus events, and are collectively a great resource for prospective students considering Tech.

Montana Tech's Prospectors



主要: 生物科学(细胞和分子轨道)
年: 高级
家乡: 孤峰,蒙大拿

  1. Weirdest study hack: I have to eat sunflower seeds when I’m studying!
  2. 科技之后的计划: 从Tech毕业后,我希望去医学院,最终成为一名妇产科医生.
  3. What I think makes 孤峰 special: 比尤特是我的家乡,我喜欢在这里长大. 我喜欢这个社区,也喜欢这个小镇的支持. 他们喜欢菲律宾十大彩票平台学院,喜欢它的学生和运动员!
  4. 我怎么去学校: I only live a few blocks from campus, so on nice days I like to walk if I have time.
  5. Favorite place to grab food off campus: 因为我喜欢出去吃饭,所以我有很多喜欢的地方. 我喜欢Pita Pit, Taco del Sol, North 46和Brown Gringo. All are just a quick drive from campus!


主要: Construction Technology & 木工
年: 高级
家乡: Salt Lake City, Utah

  1. Favorite class at Tech: 商业法. Professor Samm Cox has a lot of first hand experience in the field and is super knowledgeable, 所以他有很多非常有趣和相关的故事.
  2. What I think makes 孤峰 special: The unique history and it being a very old town, makes a combination for some very cool, 古老的建筑和城市周围许多令人惊叹的景点. 此外,这个位置离你想要的所有活动都很近.
  3. Favorite place to grab food off campus: 克里斯蒂娜的Cocina. 我是被一个同事推荐的,这是一些很棒的食物! I love the cilantro chicken roll.
  4. Favorite event(s) at Tech: So far, it’s been the entrepreneurship panel put on by Professor Todd Tregidga. 从真正的企业家那里收集知识真的很有趣. The panel was super great at answering questions, 虽然这是一个较短的活动,但它是迄今为止最有教育意义的.
  5. A MUST that I carry in my backpack: A notebook is essential. A lot of my classes are open note tests and so it can ease the load on your studying if you take good notes and pay attention.


主要: Mechanical 工程
年: 高级
家乡: Spring Creek, Nevada

  1. Favorite class at Tech: 物理
  2. Favorite spot on campus: The coffee shop in the Mill
  3. What I think makes 孤峰 special: 的人. Moving from out of state and finding a town like 孤峰 has been the best experience I could ask for
  4. In 5 years I hope to be: 用我的学位当橄榄球教练
  5. Favorite Montana Tech Professor: Professor Jim Girard

Jhett BraleyJhett Braley

主要: 企业管理
年: 高级
家乡: 比林斯、蒙大拿

  1. Favorite spot on campus: I enjoy the new Student Success Center the most, because of all the different study areas it offers!
  2. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: I met so many great students and faculty on my visit that were so embracing. 高尔夫球队也很有天赋,我想成为其中的一员!
  3. In 5 years I hope to be: 在高尔夫行业工作,要么是职业助理,要么是别的什么. Hopefully in nice weather!
  4. What I love about Montana Tech: I love the welcoming atmosphere. No matter who you meet, it seems everyone is friendly and looks out for one another.
  5. I cannot go a day without: 听音乐.


主要: Environmental 工程
年: 高级
家乡: Absarokee、蒙大拿

  1. A MUST that I carry in my backpack: 一个计算器. 有时我好几天都不用它,但没有它我就毫无用处.
  2. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: 理工学院是一所工程学院,拥有和任何一所一样专业的环境, and yet small enough to care about individuals.
  3. Favorite place to grab food off campus: The Front Street Market.
  4. 科技之后的计划: 我想 pursue a career in water treatment.
  5. I cannot go a day without: Music, podcasts, or being outside.


主要: 锻炼 & 健康科学
年: 高级
家乡: Stevensville, Montana

  1. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: When I was deciding on what school to attend, 我在寻找一个能叫出我名字的机构, not just by my student ID number. 在理工学院,我作为一个人受到重视,而不仅仅是作为一个学生. Tech embraces each student’s differences and works to make all individuals feel at home. Along with these qualities, 科技提供了良好的教育和高就业机会, within a variety of fields!
  2. 研究项目: 我研究了输血前血液的储存寿命. 我和博士一起工作. Ryan Stapley,还有一群了不起的同事. 通过这个, I learned meaningful scientific and medical skills that I can carry on into my future career. 这也给了我一个很好的平台来鼓励人们去献血!!
  3. 我会邀请三位名人参加晚宴: Janis Joplin, Freddy Mercury, and Harry Styles. I think it would be inspiring if these three creative and progressive minds came together. At the very least, the charisma in the room would be hilarious to hang out with!
  4. What I think makes 孤峰 special: 比尤特是那种你很快就会喜欢上的小镇! Park Street is lined with small businesses, 让我们可以选择以多种方式在当地购物, 整个小镇都致力于家庭意识形态. It is always remarkable to see an entire community come out and celebrate special occasions such as St. Patrick’s Day, or the Folk Festival, all together!
  5. 科技之后的计划: I plan to attend a 3.5 year program to earn my D.C. 学位 and then pursue a career in Chiropractics. I am currently in the application process, and excited to see where I will be heading off next fall!


主要: 护理
年: 高级
家乡: 特洛伊,蒙大拿

  1. Weirdest study hack: 在考试之前,我必须反复听Kid Cudi的《十大可靠彩票平台》.
  2. What I love about Montana Tech: The smaller sizes of classes that allow you to get to know your professors better.
  3. Favorite spot on campus: 这个工厂. 这是在课间和学习间喝杯咖啡的好地方!
  4. Favorite event at Tech: Tailgating and the football games!
  5. Favorite place to grab food off campus: I love to go to Casagranda’s for a nice dinner!

Nathaneal罗林斯拿但业 罗林斯

主要: 冶金 & Materials 工程
年: 高级
家乡: Danbury, Connecticut

  1. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: 我选择去理工学院是因为优秀的冶金学 & Materials 工程 program.
  2. Most intelligent person I know: 我的哥哥.
  3. Favorite class at Tech: Metallurgy Thermodynamics.
  4. A MUST that I carry in my backpack: 作为一名工程专业的学生,我从来都离不开计算器.
  5. Involvement on campus: 我参加了MET俱乐部、高级设计和探矿者项目.


主要: 统计数据
年: 高级
家乡: 费尔菲尔德蒙大拿

  1. 我的英雄: 我的妈妈
  2. 我会邀请三位名人参加晚宴: Bob Green, Post Malone, and Rihanna
  3. Weirdest study hack: 学习前我必须把书包里的东西都拿出来.
  4. The animal I most relate to or identify with:  青蛙. 因为他们喜欢在水里玩,我感同身受.
  5. Most intelligent person I know: 我的哥哥


埃文Guengrich埃文 Guengerich

主要: Mechanical 工程
年: 初级
家乡: 加德纳、蒙大拿

  1. The best dorm on campus (in my opinion): 纪念大厅. 我喜欢房间里有水槽,而且房子的位置也在校园里.
  2. Involvement on campus: Baja club, ASMT (student government) and mechanical engineering undergraduate research.
  3. Favorite event at Tech: 动员日! 这一周除了好玩的游戏、赠品和免费食物什么都没有!!
  4. The animal I most relate to or identify with:  一只狼. They like freedom around them and like to explore, much like the adrenaline junkie in me. They are intelligent and like to think but aren't afraid of working in a team. Plus I took a quiz and that’s what it told me.
  5. 研究项目: I work in the biochar lab, where I work on using biochar surfaces and mechanical systems to accelerate carbon dioxide capture. Which means we’re trying to take carbon dioxide out of the air and recycle it.


主要: 土木工程
年: 初级
家乡: 孤峰,蒙大拿

  1. What I think makes 孤峰 special: 的人! 孤峰 has some of the nicest people I've met, and it really feels like a community here.
  2. 我会邀请三位名人参加晚宴: 亚当•桑德勒, 因为谁不想让亚当·桑德勒出现在他们的晚宴上呢, 史蒂薇·尼克斯, 因为从中学开始她就是我最喜欢的歌手之一, 和罗杰·费德勒, because he’s the GOAT of tennis.
  3. One thing I cannot go a day without: 我的手表!
  4. Involvement on campus: I am currently involved in American Society of Civil Engineers, Concrete Canoe, and Swing Dance Club.
  5. In 5 years I hope to be: 首页steading on a couple of acers, while using my 学位 in either construction or the design field.


主要: 职业安全 & 健康
年: 初级
家乡: 费尔菲尔德蒙大拿

  1. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: The incredible job placement rate, affordable tuition, and vast 学位 options. At Montana Tech there is a 学位 for you, whether you’re passionate about a specific field or a little unsure and need more guidance, 你将获得不可思议的导师,帮助你进入未来的职业生涯.
  2. A MUST that I carry in my backpack: An emergency stash of Lactaid. You never know when you might accidentally ingest the indetectable spawns of the devils, but it can surely ruin your class experience. 多带些洗手液也是个好主意, 一张面巾纸, 还有感冒药,因为你的同伴身上有细菌.
  3. The animal I most relate to or identify with:  最常见的垃圾熊猫,我是说浣熊. 我绝对会趁你不注意偷你的食物, I look cute but can be surprisingly rabid, and I can be a resourceful problem solver. 我的朋友们, 同事, and boss refer to me as Rocket, after the Guardians of the Galaxy character, 但我可以向你保证,我不会驾驶宇宙飞船.
  4. Favorite place to grab food off campus: La Sirena,一个小的正宗的街头玉米饼店,无与伦比的味道. It is located down the hill from campus and makes a great quick and delicious dinner or lunch! 也, 巴特酿造公司提供价格实惠且无与伦比的披萨和沙拉, about 6 minutes away from campus!
  5. Weirdest study ritual I have: Shoutout to all my Grey’s Anatomy fans, 在紧张的考试前5分钟摆出超级英雄的姿势是必须的. It might be a placebo effect, 但是当你看到我在教室外面假装是女超人, 给我5分钟, 我们开始吧!


双专业: Software 工程 & 计算机科学
年: 初级
家乡: 水蟒、蒙大拿

  1. Favorite class at Tech: Embedded Systems with Bryce Hill! 我喜欢将代码与电子技术结合起来的亲身体验.
  2. Favorite spot on campus: Big 孤峰 Open Space Park. It’s so cool to have such a large area for 徒步旅行 and mountain biking right next to campus. 在上了一整天的课之后,这里是一个很好的去处!
  3. What I love about 孤峰: The massive amounts of uncrowded, public wilderness in every direction, which makes for world class mountain biking, 攀岩, 徒步旅行, 和滑雪!
  4. 科技之后的计划: 我希望在航空业从事软件方面的工作, which might include drones, 航空电子设备, or flight simulators.
  5. Involvement on campus: 气α, 美国国家领导与成功学会, and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). I also tutor for the computer science department.



主要: Environmental 工程
年: 二年级学生
家乡: Colstrip、蒙大拿

  1. Favorite spot on campus: My favorite spot on campus is the Mill. I love going there to study or do homework, 当我需要休息的时候能喝杯咖啡真是太好了.
  2. Favorite place to grab food off-campus: My favorite stop in 孤峰 is a tie between the Hummingbird Café and Taco Del Sol. 蜂鸟是周末早餐的好食物. 我想吃快餐的时候喜欢去墨西哥玉米卷. Both are great places.
  3. I cannot go a day without: 我的耳机. I love listening to music while getting ready in the morning and on my way to class.
  4. 为什么选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院: 我爱上了比尤特和校园里的老式建筑. 我也喜欢菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的老师们的热情好客.
  5. Favorite time of year, at Tech: Fall, because I love seeing the trees slowly become a rainbow of colors as the season changes.


主要: 采矿工程
年: 二年级学生
家乡: 猎人,华盛顿

  1. What I love about 孤峰: I love all of the history 孤峰 has to offer.
  2. Favorite event at Tech: The Career Fair is a great time to make connections with potential employers.
  3. 校园invovlement: I am on the Mining Team.
  4. 最喜欢的宿舍: The Living Learning Center (LLC)
  5. 我的英雄: 我的父亲