成立于1900年的蒙大拿州矿业学校, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的资金和土地来自1889年的授权法案, 让蒙大拿加入联邦并分配了100个席位,为了建立一所州立矿业学校,我征用了1000英亩的公共土地. 

Main Hall in 1900
矿业学院成立时只有一栋楼, Main Hall, holding 21 students and offering two degrees: mining engineering and electrical engineering.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院专攻科学领域, technology, engineering, math, and healthcare disciplines and has repeatedly been recognized among the top universities in America.

Montana Tech offers certificate programs, associate, bachelor, and master’s degrees along with a Ph.D. in Materials Science. All degree offerings derive a special emphasis from the unique setting and continued tradition of high quality that has characterized Montana Tech since its founding.

毕业生超高的就业率, our successful alumni, 再加上在高度个性化的环境中出席的低成本, attest to both quality, value, and overall return on investment. Offering practical, hands-on learning, Montana Tech provides the opportunity for students looking to be difference-makers, leaders, innovators, healers and problem-solvers.


The School of Mines Building (Main Hall) becomes the first building constructed on campus. Today, Main Hall houses the Electrical Engineering and Liberal Studies departments.


A bill enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Montana in 1919 created the Montana State Bureau of Mines and Metallurgy. 主席团有两个主要职能:第一, developing the mineral resources of the state; second, 提高采矿相关作业的安全性和效率. Today, the Bureau is the principal source of earth science information for the citizens of Montana.

蒙大拿州矿业学院成为海军学院,并提供V-12课程, which guarantees an officer replacement program for the Navy and Marines during World War II.

Lighting of the “M” on Big Butte.

The Montana School of Mines becomes the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology. Shortly after WWII ended, 代理矿业学院院长弗朗西斯·汤普森, embarked on a program destined to modernize the Montana School of Mines’ curricula. The School of Mines added humanities and social sciences options to the technical electives.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院开放校友体育馆, which was first intended to be used for football games and American Legion baseball games. The Butte Copper Kings, a professional baseball team, 他们在比尤特打球的时候也用过这个场地. The stadium was renovated in 2007 and has been used for Oredigger football since. 该设施现在配备了新的体育场座位, a Jumbo-Tron scoreboard, 以及在鲍勃·格林球场新安装的草皮.

蒙大拿大学系统重组, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院成为蒙大拿大学的附属机构, 成为蒙大拿大学的菲律宾十大彩票平台学院. Additionally, 技术学院(原巴特职业技术中心), 都在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的管理之下.

自然资源大楼(NRB)开放. NRB是菲律宾十大彩票平台学院最大的部门, Petroleum Engineering, 以及蒙大拿州矿业和地质局. The NRB features state of the art labs that allow students to work with industry standard and specialty equipment, 包括裂缝导电性测量系统, a Vertical Flow Loop, a水泥浆性能测试实验室, 压裂增产设备. In addition to this equipment, the NRB has two smart labs that allow world-renowned experts to give real-time presentations from anywhere in the world to Tech's students and faculty.

校长弗兰克·吉尔摩在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学工作了13年后退休. 唐·布莱克特被聘为新任校长.

弗兰克和安·吉尔摩大学关系中心(URC)成立. The URC is the first building on campus to be funded entirely with private donations and houses the Montana Tech Foundation, Alumni Affairs, Public Relations, and Career Services.


The Montana Board of Regents approves a materials science doctorate for Montana Tech.

The Materials Science Ph.D. 项目的第一批学生开始在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院学习.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院为校园内的最新建筑破土动工, 美国自然资源研究中心. The NRRC will provide laboratory space for natural resources and energy undergraduate and graduate education and research on campus. The three-story, approximately 32,000平方英尺的建筑将创建最先进的实验室, workspaces and support spaces. The addition includes a petroleum research lab, Nano research lab, energy lab, strengths & materials testing lab, composites & wood testing lab, 职业安全与健康实验室, 校园范围的学生项目工作室区, 专用设备和机房, student support areas, office space, general support space, 还有未完成的未来增长空间.

The Natural Resource Research Center (NRRC) opens on the campus of Montana Tech. The NRRC is a three-story, 31,000平方英尺的工程实验室教室大楼. NRRC为石油公司提供研究和实验室空间, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering Departments along with space for the Occupational Safety & Health Department. The building serves as a strong recruitment tool and provides state-of-the art research and laboratory space.

At their May 2017 meeting, the Montana Board of Regents approved a fourth institutional classification for higher education units in the state. The new classification, 四年制大学, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院是唯一的一个单位, 在之前的三个类别中增加了:两年制学院, Four-Year Regional Universities, 研究型博士院校. Prior to its new classification, Montana Tech was included in the Four-Year Regional Universities classification. This new classification was in part due to the unique mission and high quality of Montana Tech and a recognition of the opportunities a Special Focus designation might afford Montana Tech.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院为学生成功/生活奠基 & Learning Center (SSC). SSC将于2019年春季投入使用. This 82,200平方英尺的设施将增强学生的十大可靠彩票平台体验, 为学生提供一个鼓舞人心的生活环境, learn, study, 社交和培养有价值的领导技能.

At their May 2018 meeting, the Montana Board of Regents unanimously approved Montana Tech's formal name change request. The university's formal name was changed from Montana Tech of the University of Montana to Montana Technological University.

Montana Tech’s 11th chancellor, Dr. Donald M. 布莱克凯特于2019年6月从该校退休. Blackketter自2011年起担任领导职务. In July 2019, Dr. 莱斯·库克成为菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校长.