职业前健康是菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的一个重点领域,而不是一个学位选择. 专业前健康研究的学生可能想攻读公共卫生硕士学位. 公共卫生硕士学位培养解决影响整个人口和社区的健康问题的专业人员. While at Montana Tech, 你将努力满足你感兴趣的公共卫生硕士课程的先决条件. 

Why Study Pre-Professional Health at Montana Tech?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在为哈佛等大学的专业健康项目安排学生方面有着悠久而杰出的历史, Creighton, the University of Washington, and Colorado State University. Our rigorous academics, modern facilities, 一对一的指导和可负担的学费使学生以其他大学的一小部分成本获得成功.

Join our Student-Centered Program

专业前的健康学生在紧密联系和支持性的环境中获得世界级菲律宾十大彩票平台学院教师的个性化关注. 你将有机会与他们一起进行开创性的研究, 从疾病传播和环境卫生到分枝杆菌噬菌体(感染分枝杆菌宿主的病毒)的发现和表征.

Ideal Location

享受美丽的蒙大拿,从职业前的健康要求中休息一下. 校园附近有很多滑雪胜地和偏远地区, hiking Continental Divide Trail and other trails, fishing in pristine mountain streams, or experiencing southwest Montana’s hot springs.

Apply NowGet More Info

90% acceptance rate


Internships Make a Difference

You’ll earn college credit and gain hands-on experience. 

Stand Out, Get Involved

Many pre-professional health majors are active in the Biology Club, Chemistry Club, and Pre-Professional Health Club.

How Does Montana Tech Prepare Students for an MPH?

The Montana Tech pre-professional health program is not a major. 这些学生参加的课程将为他们在卫生领域打下坚实的基础. 潜在的申请人确实需要访问学校的个人网站,以便研究DPA, GRE scores, and other qualities schools might be looking for in MPH applicants. 顾问将帮助定制本科学习,以满足MPH的先决条件要求.

What Kinds of Jobs do People with a Master’s of Public Health Get?

公共卫生硕士是一个多才多艺的学位,可以导致流行病学的职业生涯, health care management, health care administration, environmental health, and research.  

$119,840 Median Salary

For medical and health service managers, 2021 

$78,830 Median Salary of Epidemiologists

in 2021 

26% Projected Job Growth

For epidemiologists 2021-2031 

Explore Pre-Professional Health Courses

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的职业前健康计划帮助您探索医疗保健行业,并通过一系列职业前健康课程完成研究生课程的要求, such as anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, the freshman pre-professional health seminar, current topics in health care courses, and internships.


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Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Amy Kuenzi
Department Head and Professor