
Several companies, in collaboration with Montana Tech, 启动了项目工程与管理硕士(MPEM)计划,以满足他们不断扩大的需求. MPEM课程旨在为成为一名高效的项目经理提供必要的工具. 

Advance in your career, while continuing to work

当今竞争激烈的市场需要能够有效处理多种任务的专业人士,同时与客户和同事合作,以获得更多利润. 在职专业人士现在有机会在不中断工作或不离开家的情况下获得硕士学位. 我们的优秀教师拥有丰富的经验,来自不同的学科,以扩大项目管理的技能. The courses are hosted online by Moodle. 利用这个机会,成为一个更有效的项目经理.

Upcoming classes (tentative) 

MPEM 5010 -企业家精神和经济可行性-蒂姆·科伯

MPEM 5100 - Pollution Prevention – Dr. Ryan Dupont and Dr. Lou Theodore

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What is Project Engineering and Management?

This program transforms engineers into project managers. 项目经理是工程团队中的领导者,负责协调新产品或项目的创建.


Project managers are needed in all fields of engineering. 无论你是监督基础设施的建设,比如高速公路和桥梁, or oversee endeavors in fields like biomedicine, environmental remediation, or mining engineering, leaders are needed at the highest level.

$98,420 average annual wage

For Project Management Specialists in the U.S., 2021 

$45.43 median hourly salary

For Project Management Specialists in the U.S., 2021 


Project Management Specialists in U.S.,  2021


旨在为在职专业人士提供一个机会,以提高他们的技术和管理技能,尽量减少对他们工作日的干扰, MPEM is offered online with a final in-person presentation. 这使得研究生能够将他们的学习与他们的专业和个人需求相协调. MPEM提高了实践工程师和科学家的管理技能. 这些技能将帮助你晋升为“经理”或“主管”,并得到你应得的认可.

Whether at work, in the field, or at home, 这个基于互联网的程序允许你在自己方便的时候工作.

这个30学分的非论文学位侧重于技术管理. Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters, 课程包括六门核心课程和四门技术选修课程. The program requires at least two years of work experience and a resumé.

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蒙大拿州理工学院的本科生可以在许多领域获得第5年的硕士学位. 精心协调课程和学习,使学生在五年内获得两个学位.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Todd Hoffman
Professor and Department Head