
Pursue a career in the field of Mining Engineering and be prepared to meet the vigorous demands of environmentally responsible natural resource development throughout the world. Receive a comprehensive engineering background with specialized training in the mechanics of geologic materials, blasting, materials handling, mine valuation, ventilation, 环境注意事项, 以及露天和地下矿山的设计和施工.


在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学攻读采矿工程学位的时候, 你会有很多实践学习的机会. Montana Tech has the only on-campus underground mine in the country where you can learn. 您还可以使用最先进、设备齐全的实验室. 

Gorgeous Location  

在Butte的菲律宾十大彩票平台学院获得采矿工程学位, 你将很容易进入户外运动爱好者的天堂. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院被六座山脉环绕, two national parks, and five rivers, 为你提供了无限的滑雪机会, hike, fish, 尽情享受蒙大拿的美景. 


Our graduates are well prepared for careers in mining engineering due to their internship experiences. Gain even more hands-on experience through mining engineering internships locally in Butte or across Montana and the nation. 我们系的实习生就业率高达96%. 

Outstanding Outcomes  

At Montana Tech you’ll have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning with a 10:1 student to faculty ratio. 我们的采矿工程学位课程也拥有100%的职业成果率. 


Make the most of your time at Montana Tech by getting involved in academic and special interest clubs, 参与学生活动和校园活动, 并通过学生会担任领导角色. Take a break from your studies in mining engineering to fish in pristine mountain streams, ski, enjoy local hot springs, and hike the Great Divide. 


Montana Tech prepares you to be highly sought after for mining engineering careers. Montana Tech faculty will encourage you to pursue professional licensure and other certifications to advance your mining engineering career. 你还将受益于一个高度敬业的职业服务团队, which will assist you in finding mining engineering internships and jobs in mining engineering. 

Active Advisory Board  

在行业专业人士和高管的带领下he Industry Advisory Board of Montana Tech will actively advise and participate with the Mining Engineering Department resulting in sustained recognition of Montana Tech as the world’s leader for providing talented and versatile mining engineering graduates. 

Mine Rescue Team  

菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 Mine Rescue is a student run organization that aims to give our members the skills and experience of being on a mine rescue team. The club focuses on preparing for collegiate and professional mine rescue competitions where teams get to respond to scenarios and hone their rescue skill set as well as network with members of the industry. Team members are taught hands-on first aid skills in addition to the care and maintenance of specialized mine rescue equipment. The knowledge that we gain will be valuable for the rest of our careers, even outside of mine rescue. 

5th Year Masters

Qualified Montana Tech undergraduates have the opportunity to receive an accelerated MS program by getting a jump start on required graduate coursework. Careful design to include qualifying graduate-level coursework into the undergraduate curriculum will lead to an accelerated MS degree, 因为有机会在获得研究生学位时,最多可获得9个学分. 

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有经验的敬业教师 & Expertise

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See how Montana Tech Mining Engineering Alumni lead extraordinary careers in the industry.

What is Mining Engineering?

Mining engineers design, construct, and manage surface and underground mines in an environmentally responsible manner. 采矿工程师必须精通许可证, planning, development, operation, 复垦和关闭矿山并能申请, in the field, 所需的技术技能.


Mining engineering is a versatile field, opening doors to a variety of career options. 硕士学位通常要求更高的薪水. Graduates usually have impressive starting salaries and quick advancement opportunities. 采矿工程专业的毕业生从事采煤工作, hard rock mining, 敞放及地下施工管理, 以及工业材料和骨料.

Where Do Our Alumni Work?


Master of Science candidates in Mining Engineering may choose to study in the areas of mechanics of geologic materials, blasting, materials handling, mine valuation, ventilation, geostatics, mine design, mine safety, 以及矿山环境管理与设计.

Catalog Details


Mine Conference

The Mine Design, Operations & 闭幕会议已经开了31年了!

Mining Department


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Connect with us.


Scott Rosenthal, PE
(406) 496-4867