Project History

Today, Montana University System institutions use three separate Learning Management Systems (LMS). In most cases, 这些系统已经使用了十多年, 在这段时间里,教育学得到了发展, 教师对学习管理工具的使用有所增加, 可用的解决方案范围也大大扩大了.

In November 2021, the Board of Regents charged the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education to work with campuses to identify a single Learning Management System (LMS) vendor for the Montana University System.  In Spring of 2022, 成立了咨询和指导委员会, consisting of faculty, staff, 来自整个系统的学生和行政领导. 这个小组进行了需求分析, 在2023年春末发布的征求建议书中提供了信息.

During the summer of 2023, 供应商提案由一组IT专业人员打分, LMS administrators, and faculty. From this process, two vendors (D2L and Instructure) were invited to move forward to a demonstration phase, where a 14 member panel scored the two finalists on the faculty and student experience, their administrative, IT and analytics capabilities, and course migration fidelity.  Additional factors that were evaluated at this stage were cost and company profiles.  At the end of this process, Instructure (Canvas), emerged with a clear consensus.

You can access information regarding the MUS single LMS project on the MUS Single Single Learning Management System webpage.

Master List: Migrating Courses 



  1. navigate to the LMS Migration Master List

  2. Select Edit in grid view at the top left of the page     

  3. 请尽你所知填写所有你能填写的信息:

    1. 在指导员下面,请输入你的名字,

    2. 5位CRN号码(或METAcode),

    3. the name of your course,

    4. 这门课的最后一个学期和最后一年,

    5. 以及(如果您知道)您希望包含在其中的“运行”.  (迁移计划为:在9月11日之前完成运行1. 1号和2号运行将于12月底完成. 我们将在1月25日之前完全使用Canvas,而不再使用Moodle。. 

  4. Select Exit grid view.  

A notification will be sent to CAI letting us know that content has been added, 这就是你需要做的! If you have any questions or problems entering your information, please contact me at or


Training Catalog 带有会话描述[即将推出].

Training Options
Recorded Canvas Trainings

从基础设施录制的培训课程. Topics include:
- global and course navigation
- course flow and delivery
- student groups and collaboration
- grading and feedback

In-house Training

The Center for Academic Innovation offers a number of in-house developed training sessions that you can register using the link below. Examples topics include:
- 1-1比较Moodle和Canvas
- content creation
-使用Panopto, Zoom或其他第三方工具与画布

Custom Training Request

Use this request to schedule training for your own group, unit, department, or college. Suggested formats are (most can be designed for online or face-to-face delivery.)
- boot camps
- webinars


After an extensive vetting process, the Montana University System selected Canvas by Instructure as its single Learning Management System. 特别是,Canvas给评估团队留下了深刻的印象:

  • Ease of use and intuitiveness
  • Mobile friendliness
  • 强大的分析,很容易获得教师
  • Canvas Commons, which enables easy sharing of content within and across institutions
  • 与外部工具的灵活互操作性

Moving to a single vendor across Montana’s public colleges and universities will help lower ongoing licensing costs, 为小型机构提供使用新工具的途径, like 24X7 support, and provide students an improved and more consistent experience across the Montana University System.

Run 1, will instructors still be able to use Moodle for the courses this coming fall?
  • Yes. 我们将在2025年春季(1月)100%使用帆布 

对于Run 2,我还没有制定2025年春季的写作计划. 我应该把春季学期的crn发给你吗?

  • 第二组是之前的课程,不需要在一月份之前准备好, so yes, current semester or earlier.

Yes. 不仅可以提供按需培训, but you will also be able to reach out to the Center for Academic Innovation for specific training needs. In addition, there will be a Resident Expert Team (RET) made up of faculty and staff who will help the Center for Academic Innovation train and answer immediate-need questions as we move forward. 

Yes. They are not called "meta courses," but there will be a function that allows the same method of course delivery.

Yes. 我们正在努力继续开发尽可能多的第三方工具. These include (but are not limited to) TurnItIn, Proctorio, Panopto, and Zoom. 随着我们的进展,会有更多的信息. 

委员会正在探索的其他工具包括可访问性检查器, analytics tools, and credentialing (badges). 同样,更多的信息将在可用时共享.

Yes. We are starting with 11 pilot courses from which to work out any rough spots. After these are approved, a mass migration will be done of all courses that are actively used for the past three years. This means that courses that are used solely to provide a syllabus or grades will be saved and archived (to meet record keeping requirements) but will not actually be migrated as an active course.

因为每迁移一个完整的课程都有货币成本, it is important that we only migrate courses that have content that will otherwise need to be rebuilt. 很难确定哪些课程实际上是“活跃的”,“即使我们检查备份的大小. The solution to this is a request that will be sent out to all instructors for a list of all courses that definitely need to be migrated over. 这将在我们接近移民时发出. 

需要注意的是,学生信息不会随课程一起迁移. Grades, etc., will be archived by MT Tech so they remain available, again to meet requirements.

这个时间线截止到2024年3月27日. 请注意,它可能会随着MUS需求的变化而变化. 

MUS单机学习管理系统网页时间表. Current as of 3/27/24

For more information...

If you have any other questions or suggestions as we move through this project, please don't hesitate to reach out. This is a big lift, and we welcome any suggestions, concerns, 或者是帮助大家减轻压力的反馈. Thank you in advance for your patience and your dedication to making Tech a better place to work and study.

Kat McCormick
(406) 496-4189