领导团队是校长和大学领导的顾问委员会. 这个小组代表了广泛的教员, 教职员工和学生,包括来自校园主要治理组织的员工和学生. 领导小组每月举行一次会议,讨论与大学有关的各种事项,并负责协助完成大学的使命, vision, 战略计划的价值和目标.


该小组每月从10日至12日举行第三个星期二的会议,并根据需要举行会议. 议程请求的截止日期是前一个星期四,可以发送到 jdelay@taxidalat24h.net.


Les CookLes Cook


Visit Les Cook's page

Michele HardyMichele Hardy

Interim Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor

Visit Michele Hardy's page

Jodie DeLayJodie DeLay

Chief of Staff

Visit Jodie DeLay's page

Ron MuffickRon Muffick


Visit Ron Muffick's page

Angela LuekingAngela Lueking


Visit Angela Lueking's page

Joe CooperJoe Cooper


Visit Joe Cooper's page

Carleen CassidyCarleen Cassidy

Director of Finance and Budget

Visit Carleen Cassidy's page

Matt StepanMatt Stepan

Director of Athletics

Visit Matt Stepan's page

Jaime HepplerJaime Heppler

Foundation CEO

Visit Jaime Heppler's page

Scott RisserScott Risser

Faculty Senate President

Visit Scott Risser's page

Jenna SnowJenna Snow

Staff Senate President

Visit Jenna Snow's page

Jacob HustonJacob Huston

ASMT President

Visit Jacob Huston's page

Katie HailerKatie Hailer


Visit Katie Hailer's page

Kenneth LeeKenneth Lee


Visit Kenneth Lee's page

Karen VanDaveerKaren VanDaveer

Dean, Highlands College

Visit Karen VanDaveer's page

Amanda BadovinacAmanda Badovinac

Executive Director, Marketing & Communications

Visit Amanda Badovinac's page

Leslie DickersonLeslie Dickerson


Visit Leslie Dickerson's page

Melissa KumpMelissa Kump

Director of Institutional Research

Visit Melissa Kump's page

John MeteshJohn Metesh

Director and State Geologist

Visit John Metesh's page

Sarah North WolfeSarah North Wolfe


Visit Sarah North Wolfe's page

Layne SessionsLayne Sessions

Director of Physical Facilities

Visit Layne Session's page

Guiding Principles

Strategic Plan Values

  • Students are the reason we exist. They are at the heart of all we do, 我们致力于为他们提供一种变革性的体验,这是无与伦比的.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of who we are.
  • 人是我们最重要的商品, 我们坚定地提供一个公平、公平的社区,让所有人都受到重视.
  • We are “Determined Doers.
  • 通过合作、决心和坚定的决心,我们重视把事情做好.
  • 动手,应用和体验式学习 is in our DNA; it’s what we’re about!
  • 我们提供一个支持性和动态的环境,以确保我们所做的一切都是显而易见的.
  • We embrace 创新、创造和前瞻性思维.
  • 我们努力创造一个人人都能茁壮成长的环境.
  • We are one community devoted to excellence.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • 向行政团队和校长提供意见和建议.
  • 从选区向领导团队传达挑战和成功.
  • 从领导团队向选民传达挑战和成功.